Our Mission
It is the mission of our University Environmental Health & Safety Office (EH&S) to provide a safe and secure educational environment to our students, employees, visitors, and volunteers. The EH&S Office is committed to administering this program successfully to ensure the patrons of our campus experience a safe and pleasant atmosphere during their time spent on the UL Lafayette campus.
In order to accomplish its mission, the University must use its resources to achieve this goal daily. Long-term safe practices are created through education and leadership by example. To do this, the University assigns various safety responsibilities throughout the campus to departmental employees know as Departmental Safety Coordinators (DSC). These individuals are provided training for the various responsibilities they take on in the name of safety. Examples of such include: regular inspections of all physical facilities and grounds, conducting safety meetings to increase awareness and remedy unsafe conditions to protect all on our campus, aid in emergency preparedness and evacuation of building occupants in the event of an emergency, etc. Without the help of our DSC's the success of our mission would be nonexistent.
In addition, our office works closely with officials in the University's Public Safety Office, Security Office (Cajun Card Services), the University President's office and officials from city, parish, and state governments.