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For Contractors

The State of Louisiana, all State Departments, Agencies, Boards and Commissions must require suppliers, contractors, subcontractors and tenants to maintain insurance covering the Other Party against claims or judgments arising from their products, operations, actions or activities while under contract. As an agency of the state, UL Lafayette must also require that the Contractors doing business with the State of Louisiana add the University as an "additional insured" to their insurance policies to protect the University, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers against any negligence of the Contractor. A Certificate of Insurance submitted from the Contractor to the University is a practical way to confirm that appropriate coverages and additional insured terms are in force.

Specific information for contracts agreements can be found in  INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACTORS DOING BUSINESS WITH

For additional information, please see:

Exhibit A

Exhibit C

Exhibit D

Exhibit E

For Facility Management Contractors:

Construction Design Standards

Facility Management Front End Specification requirements

Builders Risk Insurance Requirements

Special Information Regarding Flood Insurance Requirements for Contractors