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Bloodborne Pathogens & Medic First Aid

Many employees may be exposed to communicable illnesses while conducting their jobs on campus.  These higher risk employees need to know how a pathogen enters the body and how to properly protect themselves from many bloodborne type dieseases.

Training Provided via Cornerstone System or Moodle

Courses may be taken online at anytime in the Cornerstone training platform for Full-time faculty and staff.  Part-time staff and studnet workers may take this course online through Moodle. We have several online training courses which show employees how to prevent the transmission of these diseases as well as how to use hazard control kits and personal protective equipment available to them. Hands on simulation is shown on how to properly administer personal protective equipment as well as how to utilize the decontamination kits for cleanup. High-risk employees are required to train annually on boodborne pathogens.

For additional information on Bloodborne Pathogens, please view Section 12 Bloodborne Pathogens and other Communicable Illnesses of the EHS Policy.


Medic CPR & First Aid

The university also offers its employees CPR and First Aid training.  This 4-hour class has been designed to provide CPR, AED & First Aid training in the following areas:

    Initial & scene assessment;
    Bloodborne pathogens & protective barriers;
    Rescue breathing;
    One-man CPR techniques;
    Two-man CPR techniques,
    Compression-only CPR,
    Automated Electronic Defibrillator (AED);
    Chain of survival;
    Control of bleeding;
    Shock management;
    Ongoing assessments;
    Illness & injury assessments; and
    Managing first aid problems.

Certification is good for two years. Training is only available to faculty and staff of UL Lafayette.  To register call 482-1840 or email Taz Wininger.

Medic CPR and First Aid training sessions are offered periodically by the Safety Office or the University Police.  Please call our office if you need information on course offerings.