Asbestos Awareness
The Asbestos Awareness course is a one-hour course that presents basic information about the dangers of asbestos fibers in University-owned buildings, the methods available to control hazards, and the actions one must take and avoid when working in an area known or presumed to contain asbestos. Employees receiving this training will not directly handle asbestos material but may encounter asbestos-containing material (ACM) in the routine course of their work. Refresher training on Asbestos Awareness has an annual requirement in the departments of: Facilities Management, Housing, Custodial, and Information and Media Networks.
Training Provided via Cornerstone System or Moodle
The University does provide a course for employees, which gives an overview of asbestos, and how to follow proper procedures needed to ensure everyone's safety. Topics include: asbestos regulations and schools, origins of asbestos, uses of asbestos, health risks, asbestos abatement and the role of staff. Duration: 54 Minutes. The course may be accessed by fulltime employees in ULINK through the Cornerstone Portal. Students and parttime employees may request to take this course in Moodle. Request may be emailed to or by calling 482-1840.